Small Groups and Meeting Times

I have made slight adjustments, because I forgot Connor and Ashley are working on the original project. Notice that Thursdays there is a 2:00-2:30 session for ANYONE who needs extra help. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ARRIVE TO CLASS ON TIME. You may have a short wait in the waiting room. THANKS!

Kylie, Megan, Kayla.  Tuesdays           12:30-1:00
Carly, Julissa, Marie, Tuesdays             1:00-1:30
Selena, Genesis, Christine, Tuesdays    1:30-2:00
Connor, Ashley. Tuesdays                     2:00-2:30
Mahogany, William, Ocia Thursdays    12:30-1:00
Josh, Rachel, Charles, Thursdays          1:00-1:30
Brianna, Tyler, Eli, Thursdays               1:30-2:00
OPEN HOURS, Thursdays                    2:00-2:30


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