Readings in the history of Pandemic

The article linked above has a number of articles LINKED to it that you may find useful in your writing. Use this article as your research library. You should use at least one of these linked articles in your final paper.

Here is the alternative final assignment again.

Ethnographic Analysis of the Corona Virus: Participant Observation and Social Distancing

Participant observation becomes a challenge in situations of quarantine and social distancing. However, there are many resources which may be observed from afar. The final assignment will require that you do what all ethnographers do…be FLEXIBLE and study the ethnographic phenomena which present themselves to you: the cultural response to the COVID-19 virus. Your fieldsite will be the following:
·      Social media
·      Media (television news sources, talk shows, any non-fictional broadcast)
·      Online forums
·      Yourself, social interactions with family and friends

Your research will require some academic foundations for analysis:
·      Susan Sontag’s essay, Illness as Metaphor/AIDS as Metaphor (can purchase this very inexpensively online or go to almost any library to copy). Read the first two essays.
o   Upon returning from Spring Break, we will discuss these essays in some online forum to TBD and will have a summary of the essays on our class blog
o   These essays provide a strong theoretical foundation for understanding the symbolic meaning of illnesses, epidemics and plagues and the cultural responses to them
·      Paul Farmer: Infectious Inequalities, I will be distributing a section of Farmer’s longer work, or some other similar writing for your required reading. (Making a PDF and attaching it to the BLACKBOARD module for this class ASAP).
o   Upon returning from Spring Break, we will discuss this essay in some online forum to TBD and will have a summary of the essays on our class blog
o   This reading will provide a theoretical and analytical framework for understanding the threat of illnesses, and the socioeconomic aspects of illness and it’s impacts on communities and individuals from an anthropological perspective.
o   Upon returning from Spring Break, we will discuss this essay in some online forum to TBD and will have a summary of the essays on our class blog
o   This reading provides some historical perspective on cultural responses to pandemics. It’s really good.
This article is your RESEARCH LIBRARY for your paper

Immediately begin to observe conversations about the COVID-19 virus in the various formats listed above. Take fieldnotes on the following and record them on a word document so that they can be shared with me.
·      Record informants’ voices just as if you were recording them in an interview
·      Look for themes
·      Read the materials as soon as possible
·      Structure a focus for your final papers. Papers will be substantial (10-15 pages) since there should be lots of fodder for your analysis by talking heads on the news (watch various perspectives-FOX, MSNBC, CNN, local news, comedy shows, talk shows, late night commentary, radio, social media posts and comments)
·      Possible focal points
o   Fear and anxiety in response to pandemic
o   Plagues and memory (I know my friends who survived HIV/AIDS are being triggered in different ways and making interpretations based on this experience)
o   Xenophibia, stigma and stereotyping the “other”
o   The role of inequality/highlighting healthcare inequality
o   Politics and illness
o   The impact of social media on cultural reactions to epidemic illness
o   Etc.
·      Analytical foundations will be used to comment on your data as well as help you theme your papers.

We will be meeting remotely (detail to follow) to help each other along with this process. I gather from your responses to my email, that you are very much in favor of this option, and I welcome your continued input.

Let’s disregard the ASSIGNMENT THAT WAS DUE after break and get on this, ASAP. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we get the opportunity to be real anthropologists.


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